Briden Wilson Farm



feeling healthy

Effect of a diet high in monounsaturated fat from almonds on plasma cholesterol and lipoproteins… read more

Nuts and plasma lipids: an almond-based diet lowers LDL-C while preserving HDL-C… read more

Almonds and almond oil have similar effects on plasma lipids and LDL oxidation in healthy men and women… read more

Dose response of almonds on coronary heart disease risk factors: blood lipids, oxidized low-density lipoproteins, lipoprotein(a), homocysteine, and pulmonary nitric oxide: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial… read more

Effect of diets enriched in almonds on insulin action and serum lipids in adults with normal glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes… read more

Serum lipid response to the graduated enrichment of a Step I diet with almonds: a randomized feeding trial… read more

Effects of plant-based diets high in raw or roasted almonds, or roasted almond butter on serum lipoproteins in humans… read more

Combined effects of a dietary portfolio of plant sterols, vegetable protein, viscous fibre and almonds on LDL particle size… read more

Almonds in the diet simultaneously improve plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations and reduce plasma lipids… read more